Cyclis Bike Lease, our partner to reducing CO2 emissions on the way to work.
As part of the CCI’s sustainable entrepreneurship certification, Heinen Doors Belgium has committed to reducing CO2 emissions on the way to work.
In addition to the transition from a fleet of thermal vehicles to greener cars, Heinen Doors has chosen Cyclis Bike Lease to offer a bicycle leasing service to its employees.
Because the bicycle, as an alternative to the private car, offers advantages not only for the environment, but also for the health and well-being of the employee.
And financially too:
- Affordability: leasing allows people to have a new bicycle without having to pay a large sum in one go. It is possible to lease a bike for a period of 3 years with fixed monthly payments.
- Maintenance included: This means that the costs of routine maintenance of the bike (such as repairs, replacement of parts, etc.) are included in the leasing provider’s offer.
- Buy-back options: At the end of the lease period, it is possible to buy the bike at a reduced price compared to the original price. This can be an attractive option for people who have developed a strong affection for their leased bike and wish to keep it.
- Savings: People who have opted for bike leasing can finance their bikes via their earnings. Tax advantages allow them to make substantial savings compared to a purchase.